Monthly Archives: June 2011

cross eyed


This puppy has been driving me crazy for weeks!!!! I’m normally a fan of curved piecing, but I feel like I’ve done nothing but wrestle fabric here lately. At first I said I would finish three blocks a day… Then it dropped to two… Then it dropped to one… Sigh. If I didn’t love this quilt so much already, it would be sitting on a shelf somewhere. I do love it, though, so I’ll keep going! It just might not end up as large as I had originally planned. Happy quilting! rebecca

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charmed, i’m sure


It’s silly how a tiny block of fabric can make me so happy. I guess it’s because it fills my mind with possibilities! 🙂


tag, you’re it


Yesterday was the deadline for one of the Quilting Arts Magazine Reader Challenges called “Tag, You’re It!”. The goal was to create an 8.5″x11″ vertical quilt that incorporated text as a visual element. I really wanted to translate some sort of architecture using words, but everything I really liked would have required a horizontal view. So, I fell back to nature & started looking for something to inspire me. This year has been crazy for tornadoes & since I’m a born & raised Oklahoman, these storms have always been a part of my life. The stories I read about in Alabama & Joplin were heartbreaking, to say the least… So, an idea was born. The tornado says, “A home is more than wood and bricks.” It was made out of commercial cotton fabric & quilted with Isacord thread. It feels good to have something finished, too! I’ve got a million works in progress lying around here. Anyways, thanks for dropping by! -rebecca


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I’m making a quilt right now using a set of poplin pajamas that I bought six years ago. At lunch the other day, I told my Steven that I was very worried about running out of the fabric soon & guess what? Within the hour, a pair of those very same pajamas appeared on eBay!! I clicked & bought them right then & there, but what are the chances? Sometimes I think someone is looking out for me… 🙂